Savannah Monitor Issues

Discussion in 'Monitors & Tegus' started by dekor, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. dekor

    dekor New Member

    Hello all,

    Having couple of issues with Loki again.

    He is now around 4 years old and I'd say 3-3 half ft long now.

    Last time I took him to the vets for a check up they mentioned he was looking a bit portly. He used to be on a diet of giant mealworms, locusts, mice/rats, chicks. However in the last six months he has seemed to lose interest in locusts. I had heard that savs tend to lose interest in locusts as they age.

    So now he is on a rodent/chick diet. At present I am feeding him twice weekly a medium-large mouse.

    Problem I am finding is that with his loss of interest in locusts he tends to be a bit lazier nowadays and his pooping is a lot less regular.

    At present he has not pooped in around 2 weeks. I tend to have him out most days for bath (exercise) and that is usually when he poops. However lately he just wee's when it comes to bath time and no pooping.

    He does not seem to be straining any harder when wee'ing.

    His enclosure is a custom built 6x4x4 enclosure with around 1-2ft soil. His temps during day are cool end 28°c hot end 32-33°c. At night I let it drop to 22-25°c. He has a basking area of 40-45°c.

    Humidty level usually between 50-60.

    Anyone seen a slow down of pooping as savs age?

    Appreciate any advice in advance.

    Kind Regards

    Dean Cachia

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. ajlista

    ajlista Well-Known Member

    I know pretty much nothing about monitors, but so this post didnt go unanswered i decided to look up some stuff
    One thing that was said, was for when this is happining, stop feeding hairy Animals (Mice)
    Also, if you have soil as a substrate, it says she could have pooed and buried it in there
    Another said that you should have something she could fit her whole body into water, like a big bowl, which you said you have
    So yeah, check your soil , and dont feed mice right now
    Also it said that their urine and poo comes out at the same time? Im not sure how true that is, just throwing it out there, lol
    Well, good luck, sorry i couldnt help much : (


    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. dekor

    dekor New Member

    yeah i may try locust and giant mealworms but as i said not much interest in these at the moment.

    No sign of poop hidden anywhere. Probably going to fit a litter tray filled with water and see if it prompts him to do any pooping.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. SavBoy

    SavBoy Embryo

    Hope you're still here. It may be dehydrated and causing it to pull excess water out of the waste. Happens in humans to. You can try feeding prey with high water content like earthworms, crawfish/crawdads,whole uncooked shrimp. My sav used to only go in water, did you try the water dish? Have you ever read any of the finding on sav stomach content in the wild? Lososandgreen is one off the top of my head. Maybe bump basking surface temps to 54c. Don't quote me but I think mineral oil can be used as a laxative. Google it there's lots of different referances to it.

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