Multi-species habitat... Hermit Crabs and a Grey Tree Frog?

Discussion in 'Treefrogs' started by kyryah, Sep 28, 2006.

  1. kyryah

    kyryah Embryo

    I am the loving owner of a very large Grey tree frog (not sure if he is a Cope's or not, but from what I understand the only difference between the two species is their call, and does not affect the care.) I also have 8 hermit crabs.

    My question is this... The humidity and temperature requirements for both animals are the same. Would it be safe to house them together? I can't imagine a hermit crab going after the frog, they have miniscule mouths and are usually scavengers. The frog is larger than the crabs (he is the largest one I have ever seen.)

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.


    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. tdizzle_15

    tdizzle_15 Embryo

    RE: Multi-species habitat... Hermit Crabs and a Grey Tree Fr

    im pretty sure that you shouldnt do that i have no experience with either nor do i own either but it sounds like a bad idea

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. kyryah

    kyryah Embryo

    RE: Multi-species habitat... Hermit Crabs and a Grey Tree Fr

    Well, if you have no experience, then on what do you base your opinion?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. nuggular

    nuggular Well-Known Member

    RE: Multi-species habitat... Hermit Crabs and a Grey Tree Fr

    Well if its experience you want, here it is.

    It is a very bad idea to house different species of anything together. There are some main concerns that will help you see this.

    1. They can transfer parasites to eachother and will ultimately lead to a greater problem or even death.

    2. The tempuratures and humidity (climate) for each animal is different. Therefore making it very hard to maintain a correct climate for each animal. This will also lead to health problems and the death of one or even both of your animals.

    3. They may hate eachother and will fight. This will cause major problems.

    4. If one is larger than the other, it might try to eat the smaller one.

    5. They may stress eachother out, which in most cases causes them not to eat and become very skinny and sickly.

    6. A small tank is just not a big enough recreation of nature to shove competing species into it. There is nowhere for the other animals to go to get away from eachother.

    Hope that explains why mixing anything together is never a good idea. Why risk the life of your animals just so you can see them together.

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