In Loving Memory

Discussion in 'Rainbow Bridge' started by kinsey, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. kinsey

    kinsey Embryo

    I want to post a memorial for my starling, Shadow. Here is his story-
    I found him running around my yard one day unable to fly, and could not catch him but a week later, I did. I put him into a small bird cage and took him to my bedroom, then stayed and sang to him. He calmed down slowly and slept through the night. The next weeks I spent every second I had with him. He became comfortable with being handled and sang when I entered the room. About 2 weeks after I found him, I went to the store and picked out a harness for him, and he became my constant companion. He went shopping and biking with me, to my friend's houses, and to the park. A few weeks later we got him a huge cage and he moved outside. He loved to flirt with the females and sing to the wind. His voice could be heard throughout the neighborhood. One morning this summer, when I went outside to feed him his breakfast, he was on the ground at the bottom of his cage not moving. i picked him up and ran into the house sobbing. He had twisted his windpipe around his neck and severed the spinal cord. He was alive, but barely. I ran to the computer and frantically googled things, even though I knew it was no use. In the middle of my searching, he sprawled out oto my lap, made a terrible screaming noise, had a convulsion, and died. I went to yellowstone with my family as planned, but the trip was ruined and iI made a memorial out of obsidian for him and planted flowers on it. I still cry for him. Thanks for reading this you have no idea how much it helps me to be able to do this.

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