i found crocodile skinks!!!

Discussion in 'General Lizards' started by Shanna66, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. Shanna66

    Shanna66 Well-Known Member

    crocodile skinks

    ive been looking for captive bred crocodile skinks for ages. ive wanted to get into breeding them since most of the ones you see in the pet trade are wild caught because of how slow they breed.

    well last week i was at the reptile shop getting some feeders and i asked if they ever got in any croc skinks and the guy didnt know what i was talking about. another customer overheard me and told me about a small pet shot in the downtown area where he thought he saw them before. on saturday the fiance and i went over there just to check it out. it was a great little store, very clean, and had alot of different exotics.

    i went to the reptile section and we looked through all the tanks and found a label that said crocodile skinks, but we didnt see any in the tank so we asked a worker if they still had some. he said they had 2 and looked around for them, after a while he put 2 baby girl skinks on my arm.

    guess what i came home with?

    the guy seemed to know alot about them and they even bred these guys at the store and he gave me a bunch of tips for setting the mood when im ready to breed them. i also asked them to give me a call if they ever get a male in

    they are in a small temporary enclosure right now until i finish setting up a bin for them.

    here they are


    see how small they are?

    and cute faces

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. dogking

    dogking HOTM Winner September

    wow! thats pretty cool. I've heard that they are hard to get and care for. I hope you enjoy caring for your new pets!

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. Shanna66

    Shanna66 Well-Known Member

    ive heard different things on how hard or easy they are to care for. i think its the wild caught ones that are picky about their care, most of the people ive talked to with captive bred animals say they are very hardy, up there with beardies.

    the store where i got them accidently found out how to breed them. they suggested to go with the higher temps rather than the room temps that most people suggest. i have them at room temp until their bin is done, ive got a uth all ready to do and an overhead light.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. StikyPaws312

    StikyPaws312 Moderator

    Oh wow! Nice find! I love how primordial they look :p Keep us posted on their progress! (AKA tons of pics are always appreciated, lol). Good luck!

    JEFFREH Administrator

  9. alfon76

    alfon76 Reptile Veterinarian

    How old were you told your CB skinks are? I ask because too many young WC Tribolonotus have been coming in and being passed as true CB when that isn't the case. That doesn't mean you did a bad purchase but just the way some of these guys have been passed around. Tribolonotus are relatively slow growers and very rarely truly bred in captivity. I have been working with the species for 2 years now and have produced several true CBB babies that are hardy as can be. Your girls look quite good but seem big enough to be sub-adults so I was just curious as to how old you were told they were to see if they really are CB or just young WC passed as CB.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  11. HerpboyFLA

    HerpboyFLA New Member

    As for how easy they are, I've had several wildcaught adult skinks, and just set them up in a tank with parameters from their homeland with ecoearth and some hide spots, large water, and UV. I've had babies several times, without doing any sort of temperature regulating, just had a male and female and let them do their thing. Raising the babies has proven difficult though. Not working with the species anymore, so can't experiment anymore with trying to raise them up different ways.
  12. alfon76

    alfon76 Reptile Veterinarian

    You should try them again Jason. They are indeed easy here in FL and the babies can be quite hardy if grown in the same conditions. maybe a bit more wet, than the parents. I am raising a group of 4 right now with no issues so far. Have several more eggs in incubation so hopefully I can get a breeding colony of true CBB by next year.
  13. HerpboyFLA

    HerpboyFLA New Member

    Unfortunately out of room and not much time right now. Maybe some day
  14. tupi1

    tupi1 New Member

    Wow those are super cool.Like something you'd see coming out of a volcano in a B movie...LOL

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