i was kayaking yesterday and i found the perfect piece of driftwood in an eddie... its got lots of rough bark on top and is curved so it has a nice hide area underneath... but ive heard that you should bake things you find... anyone know how long it should be cooked for?
wow... considering how drunk i was when I typed that i did pretty well spelling wise....lol anyways... i was gonna do it today.. .but my mom didnt like that idea... so im gonna have to use a friends oven when i get back to school... a lot of the bark has crumbled off as it dried... and the wood has started to crack some also... we will have to see how well it survives the plane trip and cooking... hopefully it will do good...
freezer is a good idea. but oven helps it dry careful with cracking cause if u feed live cricket sinto his tank they love to hide in them cracks.. lil basterds
ive got a log aswell, mines more simple, just a branch, but i only have cork bark for it so i would love it if Spyro could have something to climb up and be near a hotter point... i'll cut it down and cook it?