Cookie17's pic thread

Discussion in 'Photos & Photography' started by Cookie17, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    Hey all, I'm new here. I am a member of Arachnophiles Anonymous and I decided to start a picture thread for my two new additions: female anoles! It took a lot of begging to get them. I am 17 (ALMOST 18 though) and still live at home with my parents. I just graduated high school, and my mom decided I "Deserved" (? interesting way of putting it, huh?) to get the anoles due to my high GPA and good grades. I'd like to think it was due to my good persuasive techniques and good reasoning. Haha, yeah right. :p (I have kind of a lot of animals already... though the tarantulas she doesn't know about: 5 T's (#6 coming in the mail today), 2 guinea pigs, 1 dog, 1 hamster (two, but one is my sister's). I used to have a 20 gallon of fish but when I went to downgrade them to use the 20G for the anoles, I added too much of a chemical and they all died within a week. :( I'm still mad at myself for that, but it was an accident. I will just be more careful from now on.
    Enclosure view

    FEMALE #1

    FEMALE #2

    AND here a few of my T's:
    My GBB (before molt) "Jade"

    GBB POST molt:

    B. albopilosum "Tootsie" "I'm sceered" "Is it safe yet?" "Hi there"

    G. rosea RCF "Ginger"

    L. difficilis "Lassy"

    P. murinus OBT "Bengal" "Want a hug?" "Fall down, go boom"

    A. geniculata "Anna"
    Louie and lizardgurl87 like this.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Cammy

    Cammy ReptileBoards Addict

    I don't know if it's the website, my computer, or the files, but none of the attachments work for me. =( But welcome to the forum, regardless! I look forward to more posts from you in the future. =D

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    did you click on the words/numbers of attachments?

    oh. i just clicked on them... i wonder why they aren't working... guess i'll do it the old fashioned way (kind of)

    EDIT 4:47 PM
    I uploaded the pics to and pasted the URLs here. :)

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. lplasc

    lplasc New Member

    Welcome to the forum, and those were excellent pictures.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  9. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    Awesome, thank you :)

    JEFFREH Administrator

  11. Cammy

    Cammy ReptileBoards Addict

    Awesome, your anole setup looks great. Do you have a temp gun in addition to those thermometers? I just wanted to warn you that the gauge type thermometers are not very accurate, in casse you didn't know that already. Anywho, very aesthetically pleasing enclosure. I'm sure the girls love it. And the T's are too cool. I like your little captions on some of the pictures, lol. =)
  12. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    Well I'm going to have to add a second heat bulb so they aren't sharing a basking spot and thus relieving (in theory) potential fights over who gets what spot. I also am going to change the full spectrum bull in the clamp lamp and get an 18" one instead for the hood, that way it is mostly full length and they are getting the UV rays while basking. And what do you mean exactly by temp gun? And I did notice the gauges are about 5-7 degrees off, depending on time of day/night. but I have strip therms on the outside, like used for fish tanks. However I believe they aren't as accurate because i place them vertical instead of horizontal along the basking spot.
  13. Cammy

    Cammy ReptileBoards Addict

    Great move on the dual basking spots. They may end up sharing the same spot anyways, but hopefully they won't feel the need to pile on top of each other if they have the option to spread themselves out. And a tube UVB light will be much better than one that goes in the clamp lamp. The compact UVB bulbs are actually very poor producers of UVB and have actually been known to damage the skin and eyes of some reptiles. So all very good descisions on your part. =)

    A temp gun is a device that you can get a hardware store which measures the surface temperature of an area that you point it at. Alternatively, you can get a digital thermometer with probe (also found at hardware stores), which measures the surface temperature of the spot the probe is touching. These are spot-on for accuracy, and unlike any variety of stick on thermometers, they actually tell you surface temperature (which is really what you need to know) rather than just the air temperature. You can also get digital thermometers or temp guns at pet stores, but they are generally more expensive than if you buy them at hardware stores, although they are the exact same thing.
  14. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    My LPS has to special-order the 18" bulb. He said that they should be in on friday, but I've never seen an 18", just 15", 36", 48", and all kinds for fish. But none at 18" for herps, so I'm think he'll have to special order it for me. I Got the heat bulb and new tongs to keep separate for anoles and T's because anoles can carry mite, parasites, and diseases with them, so I don't want to risk it. My LPS is a small, local-owned business so it doesn't carry temp guns, though i'm sure my dad has one. I'll have to ask him when he gets home from his 3rd day at his new job :D I'm so happy he got a new job. I also got a Leopard gecko book. My LPS has LG babies priced at $35 each, and I think i'm almost convincing my mom to let me get one. haha. I sent a text asking (jokingly) if i could return the anoles and get a leopard gecko. she replied with "WUT ?! CALL ME!" so i did and told her i was joking because I doubted she'd even consider it, so i didn't ask the clerk if i could even return the anoles. She insisted I must have even though I really didn't. I wouldn't return them anyway, not for another pet. that would be wrong, plus i like my girls :) However the leopard geckos are gorgeous, not to mention adorable! so i got a pic of them and sent it to my mom to prove how cute. no reply (her usual when i send animal pics). I'm not going to ask for them though, well, maybe for my b-day. :p I have a 10 gallon and soon to be 1 extra clamp lamp. so i buy plants substrate hide food bulbs clamp lamp and i'm good. plus the gecko. (probably the most expensive of all the supplies for it) If you have any leopard geckos, got any tips?
  15. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    I got to bring an A. avicularia home from my sister's house to keep here.
    I got an 18" Full spectrum bulb for my anole cage and "Got rid of" the one I had in the clamp lamp. I say I got rid of it, but I really mean I just took it off the cage. I also got the second heat lamp a while back. They still tend to stay near each other, which I find unusual because anoles are solitary and I'm pretty sure they're both females. I'm really interested in leopard geckos now but I'm sure my mom won't let me get one of those. My LPS (locally owned too) has some babies in right now.
    I do have a question. What would a baby leopard gecko go for? Like what price? they are about 4" long with their tail. thanks :)
  16. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    unnamed. Can anyone name me? (girl)

    missing my tail, a mean male at the LPS bit it off
    "unnamed" quarantine tank[​IMG]
    unnamed "I'm a girl!"[​IMG]
    Saphira and unnamed's tank[​IMG]
    Saphira "I'm a girl"[​IMG]
    unnamed, mad at me for putting her in the KK to sex her[​IMG]
    Saphira in KK to double check sex
    Louie likes this.
  17. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    Avri's enclo pic1[​IMG]
    Avri's encl top view[​IMG]
    Avri's enclo front view[​IMG]
    Avri pic1
    Avri pic2

    Avri pic3- on top of her enclo


    Brownie- Syrian hamster

    The following are pictures of Saphira's old 20 gallon LONG enclosure












    JEFFREH Administrator

    Awesome picture additions! I'm terrible with names, so hopefully someone else can help you out there lol! She looks like a sweetheart though = )

    Always good to see someone else who likes their inverts too =P
  19. Cammy

    Cammy ReptileBoards Addict

    Well, basically I'm a terrible person. Why? Because every animal that drops its tail is officially named "Nubs" in my world. =|

    You could name her after another gemstone though, since you already have a Saphira...Opal, Ruby, Amber...something like that?
  20. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    I named Saphira Saphira because of the blue eye shadow... of course my new one has that too. And she got her tail bit off by a bigger male in the terrarium at the LPS, Saphira's brother to be exact. XD Nubs is a cute name though, lol!
  21. Cammy

    Cammy ReptileBoards Addict

    What about something that means "lucky" or "fortunate" since she is lucky to have gotten away from the male with only a tail nip?
    Yeah.........there aren't really any English names that mean that so sorry if these are too outlandish for you. I think some of them are cute though. =)
  22. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    I saw seely and thought of... Seeley Booth from Bones. lolz. and there were two other geckos who also got their tails bitten off.
  23. StikyPaws312

    StikyPaws312 Moderator

    I <3 Bones... specifically Seely... Hehe :)

    I like widget for some reason as a name for her... not sure why, it's just what I thought of when I saw her, lol. Poor little baby got her tail bit! What a mean male!

    Nice leo tanks!! And I love Avri's tank too... that would be perfect for a little crestie... hehe sorry, I'm biased and completely addicted :-P Looks awesome!
  24. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    So my enclos are good for the animals they house? also, in the picture of the hamster, if you look carefully you can see on of my guinea igs in the background. she is white and black- her name is domino. the all black one is Lissie- idk if she's in the picture or not.
    Cammy: I LOOOVE BONES!!! and have you seen the more recnt episodes of the latest season? I can't wait for a new season. And I can't wait for Sept 22 because Criminal Minds season... 7 premiers!!!
  25. Cookie17

    Cookie17 HOTM Winner June

    Update: So both my leos turned out to be male. The 40 gallon breeder I had them in has been divided. Saphira bit Mercy's tail off which prompted the double-checking of sexes. I felt horrible :( but accidents happen. here are some more pictures
    Mercy (after attack from Saphira)

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