Can I use a UTH under a wooden vivarium?

Discussion in 'Enclosures, Heating & Lighting' started by geckoboy1, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. geckoboy1

    geckoboy1 Embryo

    Will it heat up the cage? The wooden vivarium's are on special. Hope it will work - Leopard Geckos don't need any lights, just a UTH pad.

    IF I should use an aquarium instead, tell me how to use the heat pad? I've heard of people where the glass cracked from a UTH so yeah :/

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. StikyPaws312

    StikyPaws312 Moderator

    If you use a UTH in a wooden tank you will need to put it inside the tank - wood is not a very good conductor, it is on the other hand a very good insulator so (in theory) it would hold the heat in the tank better. If you use a glass tank you would stick the UTH on the outside of the tank. In either case it is best to hook up a thermostat/rheostat/dimmer to the heat pad to make sure that it doesn't get too hot for your reptile.

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