Beardie dancing? Weaving head around, not bobbing?

Discussion in 'Bearded Dragons' started by wren152, Aug 27, 2012.


My beardie...

  1. Bobs like a pro!

  2. Dances like a natural!

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  1. wren152

    wren152 Member

    Hi everyone! So I have 2 beardies, Baby, my boy, almost 5, and Auzzie, my girl, 2.5 years old. I let them run around the living room floor, sometimes together, but only with supervision. I have a rule, see, NO babies. Also no biting. Anyways though, they do the usual territorial dance, he bobs, chases her around, etc, although she seems very angry at his existence and usually she'll actually run him off first thing, and then later, when he's regained his composure, he'll bob and show himself off, annnd she'll ignore him. Recently though, she's seemed more interested in him, and doesn't try to attack like usual. I always block them when they try to bite, etc, but today, he was very enthusiastically bobbing, and she actually looked back at him and started weaving her head back and forth. It started like really smooth, elegant bobbing (no erratic, sharp movements) but turned into more of a snaking motion with her head, and I'm not sure, but I kinda think maybe she was dancing for him? Anyways, it was really beautiful, and then he ran at her, intent on making those forbidden babies, so I had to block him (haha, I'm such a cockblock for poor Baby!) but in the time they were out, Auzzie danced like this three times, after he bobbed at her each time. I know there's nothing wrong with them, this isn't a problem or anything, I was just wondering if anyone else had any experience with beardies dancing like this? I tried scouring the internet for more information, but it seems that normal interaction is exactly what I expected-either territorial or for mating, annnnd the mating never seems to involve dancing. I know what the territorial looks like-I used to have 2 boys, and would have them out with supervision, but this is different. However, all the videos of beardie mating involved him bobbing, her waving, and then he bites, she flails, and bam, sex. No dancing. Maybe Auzzie just has a fancy brain? In any case though, all I was wondering is if anyone else has seen this. I just want to know that there are other beardies out there who have fancy thoughts of dancing.

    TL;DR: My girl beardie has a sexy dance routine that drives my boy beardie insane. Anyone else seen this?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Cammy

    Cammy ReptileBoards Addict

    This is kind of interesting. I've seen ONE beardie do this. It was a juvenile and he/she was doing it in response to another beardie doing that "I'm going to stand up on my front legs really tall so you know who's boss" thing. The other beardie waved each arm once, then did the "dance" thing you described--a side to side and up and down smooth motion of the head. My guess is it is a kind of submissive thing since it went along with the arm waving and was in response to another beardie acting dominant. However, I've never seen another beardie do that, so I'm not really sure what it's all about...So, yeah, to answer your question, there's at least one other beardie somewhere out there that has done the fancy dance before, but it's not exactly common and I'm not 100% sure what it means.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. wren152

    wren152 Member

    Wow, cool! Awesome to hear that! If that's the case, I do think you're right, it's probably a submissive gesture of some kind. I think maybe Auzzie meant it as a kind of submissive accepting thing, since Baby's a boy, and she seems to be moving past the 'ew, cooties!' stage into the 'ooh, boys' stage. XD I hope other people have seen this too, though, just cuz I want to hear more people's dancing-beardie stories!

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