50 gallon tank

Discussion in 'Enclosures, Heating & Lighting' started by geckolover22, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. geckolover22

    geckolover22 Well-Known Member

    i have a 50 gallon fish tank that i would like to use for my leos maybe some sort of a harem setup possibly. how many leos could be in it? i would at least like to put icee and sparkles so daisy my lil yellow one can upgrade to sparkles old tank and when she's older into the harem setup as my idea could it be possible??

    JEFFREH Administrator


    JEFFREH Administrator

    A good rule of thumb IMO is a good 10 gallons per gecko added... I'd say ideally only 4 females in that sized vivarium although you could possibly get by with 5. Make sure there are plenty of hides, food, etc and that the geckos are all acclimated to one another and properly quarantined before introduction.

    Keep a close eye on things the first few weeks and note if anyone is getting bullied, is losing weight, etc. Be prepared ahead of time with another enclosure or two if things don't work - there are some females that simply don't get along and never will despite our efforts.

    If you are talking about breeding: then 1 male to 3 females in that size should be okay, just be prepared to separate the male for several months during the winter to prevent overbreeding and excessive stress on the females to give them a chance to recoup. Also, always plan way ahead of time before making the decision to breed, its a lot of responsibility, time, space...and there is little to no money in it (I can say this with confidence from experience). That, and babies take a LOT longer than many expect to sell... but I'll end the rant on breeding there = )

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. geckolover22

    geckolover22 Well-Known Member

    thanks for the reply :) i understand no profit in breeding i have the space and time for the lil guys not really in it for the money more of to experience taking care of hatchlings and just love these lil guys to death. more of passion same with my ball pythons :3

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