any that you know of besides anoles and leopard geckos? I've been away from resaerching for a new pet b/c I had just started another aquarium project and I would like a colorful, fairly docile lizard. IF i could just get suggestions so I know what I can do, that would be amazing. I am very dedicated at anyhting I do but space is a problem for me, I have a small bedroom (hence the 10gal). So I think I could be up for a challenge, and I am not intimidated by the care requirements of these creatures except for space. If anyone would like to give their $.02, that would be cool, thanx!
oh what about viper gecko's would one or two of those be o.k.? I can't find any care sheets on them at the moment tho...
I can think of pictus geckos, viper geckos, and AFT's. The pictus and vipers could spend their whole lives in a 10 gal., but an AFT would probably be more comfortable in a 20L. A crestie might be good, but you would need a bigger tank as well.
I've researched cresties and whats and atf, sorry I'm still a newb when It comes to abbreviations, in almost eveything. what about a spider gecko, I just read a profile on them and they said if the were multiple levels for it to climb, a 10g would be o.k. what do you think?
Spider geckos are nice. I think multi levels are good, but I'm not sure what the minimum tank size for them are. AFT- African Fat Tailed Gecko. Their care requirements are similar to leos, but I think they like it cooler on the hot side. They're also shorter from snout to tail.
k, thanx, I knew about the cresties. it says spider geckos can live in a 10g if they have multiple levels, whick I could definately do.