$0.30 for one cricket!!!

Discussion in 'Feeder Forum' started by Oscar, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. Oscar

    Oscar Member

    Ok... so Rainforest pets, my local herp shop, are closed till the 18th due to a family emergency. Not sure what it is, but I wish them the best and hope it's nothing to serious.

    We found this out when I went to got there yesterday to by a UTH for my new leo tank....

    I did some quick figuring, number of meals between now and the 18th and number of crickets I would need based on what Jaxey usually eats and I figured I would need some more just to be safe. So Dee ( GF ) and I went to another local petshop to pick up a dozen or so...

    30 friggin cents EACH!!!!!!!!! I darn near laughed in her face... I kinda looked at her when she said 30 cents and just stammered.. "e-e-each?"

    Ok... maybe I'm spoiled, Rainforest charges 10 cents a cricker, and often, if they are wee or sometimes just cause they are great folks out there, I get them for free...

    30 cents... man.... I'd need to get a friggin mortgage!

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Leona&Amy

    Leona&Amy Well-Known Member

    My local shop also sells em @ 10c. or 12 for $1. I always ask for 3 dozen but when I get home and put them in their tank I can count 30 in one corner. I guess they dont care.... My cat reaps the rewards though. I feed him the ones that are too big for my Leo.
    30 cents each!!! I cant believe it. Are they trying to kill you?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. Oscar

    Oscar Member

    Actually just found a place that seel 8 for a buck, still not as good as I'm used to, but tolerable

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. marsvolta

    marsvolta New Member

    ooman i would go broke if that happened to me. the pet store i get my crickets at says 12 for 1$ but when i count i usually get more like 18-20 and i get my mealies at a different pet sotre for 50 for 1.50$

    JEFFREH Administrator

  9. Axe

    Axe Well-Known Member

    $0.10? e-e-each? :)

    I'm spoiled... I usually buy them 3-5,000 at a time for $12/thousand :(

    You did explain to them that you can buy crickets online as low as $0.012 each right? And that when a beardy's eating 50 crickets a day, they're losing more business than they're getting on crickets by charging ludicrous prices :D

    I just noticed you're in Canada... you might want to try Rob at www.CanadianFeeders.com

    He's much cheaper than $0.30 per cricket :p

    JEFFREH Administrator

  11. Oscar

    Oscar Member

    Yeah... like I said though, normally its 10 cents, and even then I usually either get a dozen or more for free or the whole lot..lol... the guys there are great....

    The bulk thing is something I may have to look at. I know the guys out at Rainforest will add to thier orders for SOME costumers so you saze the cost of shipping. Within the next month or so I am getting three leos and my cricket demand will vastly increase...lol... right now there's just the one AFT and a RES and the RES only gets the crickets that Jaxey won't eat!
  12. shrap

    shrap ReptileBoards Addict

    Hey Oscar, I will sell you some for $0.25 each. No need to thank me, that is just how nice a guy I am....
  13. Axe

    Axe Well-Known Member

    You're not really saving the cost of shipping, because they'll add more than that price onto the cost of the crickets... If they're paying US$15 for a box of crickets, they'll probably sell them to you for around US$30-35. They've got to make their profit. They're a business and if they don't profit, it's not worth it to them.

    You can buy them online for like US$20 shipped.
  14. Oscar

    Oscar Member

    I think somewhere along the line something got confused...lol.... Shrap, I don't pay 30, even 25 cents per cricket. I pay 10 cents a criket. Right now bulk crickets aren't that big a priority for me, I have, as I said, one AFT who is eating around 30 crickets a week, so, on average, its costing me around 3 bucks a week for crickers.... now, I'm a poor fella, but not THAT poor...lol...

    When I get my leos, then I may look at bulk crickets, but to be honest, even then I don't know if I will. They, as you know, are foul smelly creatures and I really don't have the room nor the environment to keep large numers of crickets, the 10 cents a cricket I usually pay is a small price for the lack of hassle.... Now, if I had a beardie, then it would be way more cost effective to keep them myself....

    I was shocked at the 30 cent price tag per cricket at the pet store, but they aren't even a store who has thier own scalies, so I guess they don't order much in, thus no discounts. Keep in mind also that I AM in canada and there is a difference in the dollar, not as much as it used to be, but you are still looking at 20 cents dif on a dollar. Compound that with the fact that I live on an island, closer to england than I am than more than half of Canada, shipping is a factor here as well...

    But thanks for the input, I will look in canadian feeders when I have a larger crew to feed!
  15. Mike89

    Mike89 Member

    I only pay 5 cents each.
  16. shrap

    shrap ReptileBoards Addict


    Lol, I was just messing with you, bud.... but if you are willing to pay $0.25 a cricket, look no further because I have all you need. I will even throw in an extra cricket for every 10 you buy. See, I told you I was a nice guy....

    There I go again.
  17. Oscar

    Oscar Member

    tell you what, through in the gutload and you got yerself a deal... I'll even drive by to pick em up :(
  18. shrap

    shrap ReptileBoards Addict

    Well it is January you know. St. Johns and Indy are both colder than a witches' .....

    I say we meet at Axes house.
  19. Oscar

    Oscar Member

    lol.... deal.... gimmie some sunshine!
  20. brado

    brado Member


    Selling crickets.

    It's 8 cents per juvinile, 10 cents for an adult. I know that's not the best deal ever, but I only have my one leo who eats 12ish a night, 80ish a week. Less then 8 dollars a week for food isn't that bad, especially since it would be silly for me to bulk order 500 when they would just outgrow the size she can eat before I could feed them. Also, when I get 40 from the 'Smart, it usually is atleast 50. ;)

    When I even went to get some tonight they were 'out' and the cricket bins were clean! :) It's a good thing hampster likes mealies... Now I just have to learn how to take care of them.
  21. Crazy_Fool1

    Crazy_Fool1 Member

    man the petsmart here sells em 7 cents for juvies and 9 cents for adults... canadian! lol and if u all wanna be really smart and not bulk oder millions fromt he states... ask the pet store where they get their crix from and just tell em u want to ask em some questions of their cricket ranch or whatever.... then cut a deal with the racher... cutting out the middle man will easily cut the price down 5 times from the stores price per crick and at the same time u can have a smub grin on ur face about stickin it to the man! lol

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