What a doll! I have a lil lady that looks like him, cept she is much more brown with green tint legs I've posted some pics of her in the Photos & Photography section under "Collared Lizard".
Thanks Guys! He is lush. Ive heard that they can grow to about 14 inches? never seen one that big though. For some reason daggerlover my computer wont let me see you pics :-( sure shes lush to though. i cant get yoshi to eat anything other than locusts. hes really fussy. he would rather eat nothing. You should see him jump! have to keep the lid on his tank otherwise he would escape.
Sorry it's a little bit blurry but here you can see her, she was ovulating at the time of the pic (indicated by the orange marks on her sides). I probably deleted the pics in the other thread - my mistake.