I noticed that my boyfriend's lizard has a yellow blob inside his eye (underneath the cornea). What is it? Is it a parasite or some kind of eye disease? I hope its not serious, we just dropped a boat load of money at the vet for him just a few months ago! :?:
It could be several things, especially if it's 'in' the eye. It could be a pocket of infection caused from a scrape or other injury that you may not have noticed. I would get him to the vet to have it looked at since I wouldn't recommend poking around his eye. If it is an infection it may need to be drained and definitely will need some antibiotic eye ointment. I know how it feels to spend a lot of money one month and then have something else go wrong, but it's best just pay the money and get the animal looked at before anything gets worse.
Well, he's my boyfriend's lizard. Sometimes I wish I didn't care about animals so much. Since he doesn't have the money right now to take him, he knows I'll end up doing it just like last time. Maybe I should just buy the lizard from him. :wink: I don't know if I want him though, LOL! He's not exactly the nicest (and that's putting things lightly). The lizard is already tramatized from his last ordeal... which included a daily shot in the butt! Let's just say it wasn't fun for either of us. I'm wondering if I would even be able to get ointment in his eye, he might try to remove my fingers. :?
What type of lizard is it? If it really is an eye infection, they have ointment eye drops that are realy easy to put on. You just have to restrain his head, usually by having someone hold him firmly aroun the neck and base of the tail, but not too hard. I wouldn't worry too much about that. If money is an issue, maybe you can talk your vet into allowing you to make it in 2-3 payments instead of one.