The title is pretty self exclaimatory soo let me kno! because my dad wants a chamellion in a 55 gal tank with 2 fully grown green male anoles so also tell me witch to NOT put in a tank for sure if you kno!
do NOT mix ANY species together. The chamie shld live alone - they stress VERY easily and can get very sick with other animals and human handling. No 2 males shld live together - most reptiles are territorial and will eventually fight. So if you have 2 male anoles, they need individual cages. Tell your dad that if he wants to enjoy different species of reptiles, then the best way to do is to study their microenvironments and create the perfect set up SEPARATELY. Not only do you end up compromising the environments, there are often diseases that one species can carry which is harmless to themselves but can cause sickness in another species. Not to mention, one species may end up eating the other one!!
i hear ya, thanks alot now mabye i can convince him other wise. my 2 anoles love each other tho they fought only the first day i put my newest anole in there and they were fine ever sence
yes do not mix any species opf lizard together. its like puting a cat in a tank with mice. it would only end in the death of one of them.
dont put any other pets in with your anoles! they get stressed easily and sick tell you dad not to put the chamellion in its own seperate tank :!:
I read somewhere that there is a certain species of ground dwelling toad that could work with anoles- they are both native to the same locale, the anole is arboreal so they aren't territorial with eachother, the toad eats insects that fall to the ground, so they are not in competition with eachother. I can't recall where I read this, or even if it is true. Even so, it would be a task left to only the most experienced herpers.