Just wondering if anyone else has any type of lizard that likes to cling to the screen at the top of the enclosure. Generally it is under the UVA/B light, but sometimes under the ceramic heat bulb, others just wherever! They sleep all night like that just hanging upside down and spend half the day there too. Temp in basking area is between 100-110 and tank is only 11" high, so UVA/B should be reaching the ground just fine. Overall air temp at cool end around 80-84 and warm end air temp around 84-88. The water in their bathing (soaking) bowl seems cold to the touch though. No UTH since they are both on paper towel at the moment. Any thoughts or suggestions would be great. These are the two agamas by the way.
Well my beardie like to sleep on his UV light during the day and my butterfly lizard loves it up there cause he seems to think we can't catch him if he goes up there!!!! I think that most lizards just have a screw loose!!!
Yeah my marble gecko does that a lot. In fact she's doing it right now. It happens so often that my girlfriend even dubbed it "skydiving"
My marbled does that alot too. and my water dragon climbs up the side of the cage and just hangs out, then drops into his water dish(sometimes he misses ). He's abit of an idiot
My bosc (savana) likes to pull his UV down and sit on it. He pushes his log over to where it is and climbs up to pull it down. He is rather clever. I have to either make it higher or put a cage around it