really tough choice. cresties are less work and cheaper to care for, plus they stick to glass. and they feel so weird when you first hold them and they stick to your hand. and they are so easy to feed. they can even have baby food and yougurt as a snack. no need to deal with crickets unless you want to on the other hand leos have really cute eyes and i love their pudgy tails and i like how i dont need to worry about the humidity with them. both species have really great personalities from my limited expirience. and both are common enough in the pet trade where its easy to find one. cresties are more expensive than leos but are much cheaper in the long run since they dont need any extra heating
I love leopard Geckos because i have had more experience with them plus their easy to handle and come in many colours.
Oh boy thats a tough one. I've had leos for the past 8 years and just got a crestie a little over a week ago so becuase she's still new we haven't really warmed up to eachother. So fo now Im gonna have to say leopard.