What other animals can I keep with my frog?

Discussion in 'General Amphibians' started by lestat, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. lestat

    lestat Moderator

    It's a question that is posted a lot. What species can you mix? The answer is NONE!

    Here's a good link that shows some examples of why it does not work out: http://www.caudata.org/cc/articles/Mixing_disasters.shtml

    Yes, sometimes people seem to have some success. I have to wonder, in those situations, if the person simply does not notice the signs of distress. Some people will still argue that it can be done, but the simple truth is, if you have to ask, you don't understand the needs of the animals in question enough to be mixing them.

    There are many many reasons why species should not be mixed. Search this forum for "mixing species" and you'll come up with plenty of threads explaining it. The reasons range from one species eating the other, poisonous species, different care requirements, parasites, disease, bullying, and many others.

    I am happy to answer your questions, but if you are going to ask about mixing species, my answer is going to be no. :)

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. VividDragon

    VividDragon New Member


    Hi my name is Heather...I have Bearded Dragons...but I'm wanting to get some dart frogs...still have tons of research to do firt so will be while before I buy any. My question is can you mix any of the dart frogs together and is there one kind of dart frog that is harder to keep?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. graylin1

    graylin1 Embryo

    the answer most will give you is no, dont mix. lol. most are worried about contaminating the bloodlines, and then theres the fact that they are competitors for food, and some do have different care requirements. it you want to keep different kinds of dart frogs in one terrarium, get one big enough to section off.

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