what next?

Discussion in 'General Lizards' started by Wookie, Mar 12, 2007.


What next?

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    Blue Tongue Skink

    1 vote(s)
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    1 vote(s)
  1. Wookie

    Wookie Well-Known Member

    Ok I have a beadie and a Russain tort so far and am thinking about getting another lizard, but which one?

    I love the looks of cresties and leos and they sound nice and easy, but not sure about the nocternal side. I want to be able to hold them.

    My fiance fell in love with a Blue tongue skink recently and their care/ diet is very simular to my beardie, so would be more of what I'm use to (I think).

    I'm just starting my research and it's going to be a few weeks before I think I'll be ready for any of them. Any links to helpful reading is always appricated (i'll be reading what I can on this site of course :().

    If I'm not careful I'll end up with all three :(

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. 00luke00

    00luke00 Well-Known Member

    Hmm... that's a tough one. All three are such great choices! So i'm afraid i can't vote :(

    I have a leo, and a crestie, but not a BTS, however i have had experience with them in the past... here's my two cents on each of them, and a bit of comparisons too :(

    Leopard Gecko:

    I've found the majority of these are VERY friendly, and with a bit of time, most become super tame. Tiger is pretty content with just sitting on my shoulder.

    Easy care requirements... they aren't very demanding - 20L tank, UTH, thermostat, three hides, cup of calcium, water dish, and you're away :(

    The next bit is what i love about Leo's: They pick one area to poo in, and stick to it. This makes cleaning up easy. I just put a piece of paper towel in with my leo, and take it out everytime he does his business.

    Crested Gecko:

    Need a higher enclosure than the Leo's, and are equally great characters. I've found they take a little more time to tame than leo's though, but nonetheless are pretty manageable, even when they're not tame.

    The good thing about these, is that you generally don't need a heat source. Cresties seem to thrive at room temp, although i always keep an incandescent light bulb on hand for when those temps won't boost up.

    Cresties also don't *need* a live diet (although i still do feeders as a treat)

    Blue Tongue Skink:

    Wow, these skinks are great, and their personalities are amazing. I've come across two so far, and both have been really happy and content with handling.

    They do need a pretty large viv though, so unless you have the money, and taking the amazingly high prices viv's available in the UK, you may want to think about building your own!

    Hope this helps, Luke.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. papercut

    papercut Member

    I voted for the BTS because from what I hear they are very tame and handle being held very well too

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. BrilliantBeardie12

    BrilliantBeardie12 New Member

    Depends, if you have a larger budget, definately go for the BTS.

    My friend used to have one, it was the coolest skink! Very tame and tons of personality with requirements very similar to beardies. The only downside is price...around here they're $200CDN, at least.
    I assume that you're familiar with 'bigger' reptiles, not just anoles and geckos, so I'm sure that a BTS wouldn't be a big problem for you.

    If you have a smaller budget, go for the crestie :) Cresties are fascinating!
    I don't like leos 'cause they're so -no offence to anyone here, I'm just not a fan of this herp- ordinary and boring.

    To sumit up, BTS, crestie, and if you can't get either, try the leo... :)

    JEFFREH Administrator

  9. plmarsg8

    plmarsg8 Well-Known Member

    My vote is for the blue tongued skink.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  11. beezneez

    beezneez Member

    I vote blue tongue skink. I think leos and cresties are fascinating and i would take either one, but I would prefer something diurnal to nocturnal, just my personal opinion.
  12. hubert_cumberdale

    hubert_cumberdale Member

    jeez thats hard! all three!? LOL.
    My vote is a toss up between the leo and the bts. Saying that, the only blue tongue skink ive come across is evil as hell (due to not being handled and generally neglected)
  13. 00luke00

    00luke00 Well-Known Member

    So, Wookie, what are you leaning towards?
  14. LeoLady

    LeoLady Member

    I'll put my 2 cents in, although let me tell you that my fiance fell in love with cresties and guess what we just got Sunday haha.
    I actually am going to vote crestie. I love my leos so much, but there's nothing like an arboreal gecko. The one we just got has a wonderful personality (Spunky is his name if that tells you anything) and he eats very well...and since I hand-feed him, he tends to want to be handled more: even though we've only had him a few days he tries to get out of his enclosure and doesn't want to go back in there once we get him out.
    But, leos are absolutely wonderful too, very unique personalities. I've never had any experience with skinks, so I can't comment on them. Tell us what you decide!
  15. Wookie

    Wookie Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the help, still reading all I can like mad. All the comments have been helpful, but it's still very hard choice I'm still split between a crestie and BTS, but the fiance seems to have her heart set on the BTS and already named it Kinky. I can't say no to her unfortuantley :)

    I think they have them at southcoast exotics I'll pop down at some point soon and scope them out. If they are no good I don't know where I can get one from so it may be a crestie after all. Then I've got to build a nice big tank if it's the BTS. I'll let you know how it goes.

    Thanks again for the comments.
  16. 00luke00

    00luke00 Well-Known Member

    They had some baby BTS in southcoast exotics, which where CF, for about £100 i think, and the adults were long term captives around £140. Good luck with the BTS mate, let us know how it goes, Luke.
  17. plmarsg8

    plmarsg8 Well-Known Member

    Get us some pics too.
  18. ReptileRulers

    ReptileRulers New Member

    I have 2 bts and they are as tame as ever and love to run all around the house. Those little legs never stop moving lol. They rock!
  19. Wookie

    Wookie Well-Known Member

    Didn't realise about the captive farmed thing there luke. Just trying to figure out exactly what this entails and am now looking for a catpive bred one in the mean time.

    ReptileRulers - I don't suppose you got your BTS in the UK?
  20. 00luke00

    00luke00 Well-Known Member

    I'll do a bit of hunting round for you Wookie, i know a few family run stores near me who may ship, i'll let you know if i find anything.
  21. ReptileRulers

    ReptileRulers New Member

    O no i'm sorry i got mine from captice bred excellance. She is a great breeder and provides great skinks. i don't no if she ships to the UK. Good luck with finding one. If you do have the room go with a BTS I also have two leos but BTS are much better for holding and enjoying. They make awesome pet! Good luck!

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