Ok i own 2 beardies,3 leo's,1 golden gecko,1 bahama anole,and 1 common house gecko.I want comething diffrent they are all in good heath.They all have nice plump bellies and are doing just fine.I have a 20 gallon long not in use and if it dont get filled it will most likly be broke or something.Soo...What shall i get?
well i would say african fat tailed gecko, cus they are really cool, but they arent that different from leos as far as care goes. If you are looking for something new, I would try an egyptian sandfish, they would live very happy in a 20 gallon long, they are pretty cool too.
Why a lizard? why not a sand boa? it be something different from all those lizards and a 10 gallon would fit a sand boa perfectly find ( or at least thats what the web says ) and the bigger the better.
im with myleopardgeckoisevil, i would get a sandfish. i got to hold one last week at the petstore, there so cool. when the lady put it back in its cage it whipped itself into the sand really fast. he was really squirmy when i handled him though, but they could probably be tamed down.
if you can afford it i would get a lil crestie.those things are usually tame by birth.well as far as i know