What Lizard!

Discussion in 'General Lizards' started by SuperTurkey, Jan 23, 2005.

  1. SuperTurkey

    SuperTurkey Embryo

    ok i am looking for a nice cute, friendly lizard, not one that requires alot, and the lizard costs $80 or lower. i have a 10 or 15 gallon tank somewhere in between. so i definantally want a smaller lizard. and one where the temps have to be 80ish on the warm side what kinda lizard should i get???

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Leona&Amy

    Leona&Amy Well-Known Member

    A Leopard Gecko! They can be housed in a 10 or 15 and they run in your price range. They also come in alot of different color morphs. There are alot of good care sheets out there (and here) and you should hang out in the Leo room for a while and read as many posts as possible (many ?'s you have might have been asked already). I love my leo, Leona and want many more. Let us know what you pick.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. SuperTurkey

    SuperTurkey Embryo

    i have thought of that, ive actually had a leapord gecko but my mom got pissed and made me get rid of him :) but i forgot to add that i want to house 2 or 3 in a cage together, but i dont know exactly how that would work.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. Leona&Amy

    Leona&Amy Well-Known Member

    Why did she get mad? And are you sure she wont do it again?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  9. Oscar

    Oscar Member

    I don't know why your mom would get mad about a leo... they are quiet, easy to keep, have no smell, and are generally the easiest reptile to keep!! They actually meet every single on of your criterea for a new lizard!!

    I wouldn't house any more than one gecko in a tank the size you talk about.... its really too small for more than one...

    Maybe Anoles would be more your speed?

    In regards to housing...

    Captive Housing
    Anoles are best kept singly or in groups. Generally, males should be kept singly or in the company of two or more females.

    Minimum tank size for a group of two adult anoles would be a tall 10 gallon tank. Three or four (one male and up to three females) anoles may be kept in a 20 gallon tall aquarium (48" x 13" x 20"). The more lizards there are, the more hiding places and basking areas needed, so tanks must get correspondingly larger.

    But they do require a little different setup than leos and that can run a little more... here's the basics...

    Minimum Requirements:
    Despite their relatively inexpensive price tag, anoles are not "cheap" lizards. The basic captive environment requires:

    1 Vitalite (or other UVB-producing fluorescent) - 12-14 hours a day
    1 basking light
    1 nocturnal heat light, as needed to maintain night time temperatures
    1 undertank heating pad (human heating pads are appropriate)
    2 thermometers (cool end and warm end; ideally, a third should be placed in the basking)
    Sterile peat moss potting soil over 1 inch of pea gravel, OR 1-2 inches of potting soil covered with bark mulch
    Several 2 inch potted plants - helps maintain humidity and provide cover and shade from the UV and basking lights (Sansevierias are good, as are bromiliads, philodendrons, ivys, orchids and vines and groundcovers)
    Logs or branches for basking (essential for arboreal lizards!)

    I would really lean towards a leo though... maybe your mom misunderstood them or something?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  11. SuperTurkey

    SuperTurkey Embryo

    lol i have no idea why she got all evil, but that was a whille ago and i finally convinced her. anyways im actually getting really lucky. i jus got a free tank yesterday. its pretty big. its like 3 feet long but only like 10 1/2 inches wide, i dont get it. its not a fish tank either. so i cant really put a snake in it and so i decided that i could now get atleast 2 leos now, the anoles sound cool though maybe ill get one for my other tank still though. thanx :D

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