What kind of lizard is this?

Discussion in 'General Lizards' started by thegrrraue, Oct 14, 2004.

  1. thegrrraue

    thegrrraue Embryo

    Ok, I caught this little guy (well, not this one, but one just like it, the cage I put mine in doesn't take pictures well) and I have no idea what he is. I caught him in Malibu, where I currently am, and don't worry, folks, I plan on letting him go, I just want to check him out a little bit.

    Anyway, I know these guys typically eat bugs like cockroaches or crickets, things like that, but in my month and a half here, I haven't seen any of these. The only bugs I've found have been ants, aphids, bees, and the occasional moth and gnat. I'm trying to figure out what the heck this guy is eating, and also how to know if it's a male or female.

    Oh, his (or possibly her) name is Gershwin.


    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    first of all, welcome! :D

    second of all, i'd like to encourage you to release the animal where you found him (like you are planning to do). many wild-caught animals just do NOT adapt to live in a cage. you acn also bring wild animal diseases into your house or spread them to other animals. many states also have reptile and amphibian catching laws restricting people from keeping animals they have caught. let the little guy go back in the wild where he can have all the room he wants. trust me, he'll be happier than he would be in *any* size cage.

    lastly, your pictures don't seem to be working. i don't know if it's just my computer or what, but i can't see the pics. i'd love to help you figure out what little guy you caught, but it's kind of hard to without a picture. try to get your pics fixed up and we'll see if we can help you figure out what he is!

    until you release him, you could try feeding him crickets, earthworms, mealworms, waxworms, etc.

    best of luck! :)

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. thegrrraue

    thegrrraue Embryo

    Yeah, I can't seem to get the pictures to work. Well, I think it's some sort of gecko. It's out during the day, and it has a definite desert sort of look. Kind of a sandstone yellow-brown color. It doesn't have horns or ridges either, and I've seen them in many different sizes, most are about 5 inches from head to tip of the tail, some have been at least 8 inches, then there are little and baby ones, but an average of 5 inches.

    Again these things live in Malibu California if that helps at all.

    Yeah, dont' worry, Gershwin's going back. I'm just a big lizard fan and I wanted to do a little observation. Hehe.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    well here's how to do pics. first you have to have the pictures online somewhere. try photobucket.com - they have a free online picture host deal. just upload your pictures there. then come here and, in your post, type the following (*without* all the spaces between every character):

    [ i m g ] h t t p : / / w w w . w h a t e v e r . c o m / p i c t u r e n a m e . j p g [ / i m g ]

    and i totally understand about the 'observations' - i just love finding wild guys and taking pictures and stuff! keep trying to get your pics up - if you can't get it, email the pics to me at smallrodent22@hotmail.com and i'll post them for you!

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