Hey I was just wondering if their are any small types of lizards that could comfortably be kept in an 8 gal tank. See I used to keep snakes all the time and my tanks were always full and now, well, I've gotten into lizards and I wanted to fill up that tank as well. I thought about a crocadile gecko but those little ones are so fast it's scary. Also I want something that can take being handled if possible or else is really interesting to watch. So far I have aquired a Leopard Gecko, a Fattail, and a veiled chmeleon I just got today.
There's nothing that can live comfortably in an 8 gal. tank. Sorry. Even an anole needs more room than that. I don't know much about leopard geckos or fat tails but I hope you have your chameleon in a decent set-up or it won't live very long. Chameleons need a lot of room and no handling. They get stressed from being handled and the stress will eventually kill them.
Wrigley I am sure he has his cham set up properly I think some small types of day geckos can live in an 8 gallon if it is tall?? If not maybe a steno gecko, not sure how available they are in the US but you cna get them here in the UK and they only get like 3"-4" long. Other than that maybe some FBT's would do well in it?
I wouldn't put anything in an 8 gallon. Upgrade to a 10 gallon, not expensive at all. Are you keeping your leopard gecko and fat tail geckos together?
u could hold a baby of almost anything in there for a while, for enough time to get an upgrade, a gecko could probably stay longer than anything
Well I wouldn't reccomend a baby beardie/iggy/waterdragon/monitor in an 8 gallon but yes baby geckos or SMALL lizards could be housed for a short while
how about a toad? those dumpy frogs are pretty neato. they have heavy looking eyebrow, like they are thinking real hard. and fish could also go in an eight gal.