hi. we are really new to lizards. we currently have a tank that is about 3' long, 18" wide and 18" tall...eyeballing the size. we have a brown anole, a green anole, and a house gecko. what could we add to this tank, that would make it more lively? we have plants and things, but no activity. the lizards stay in the plants, and that's it. i'm assuming that it's partly because they're adjusting to the new surroundings, but would really like to add something that's willing to run around a bit. thanks for your help!
I wouldn't mix breeds too much to be honest. Mixing breeds can cause stressors and potentially predator/prey reactions (even though most are not carniverous except to insects). I think that if what you have is already working out alright I wouldn't get any more unless you're planning on getting the same breed (more anoles, for example) than you already have. I personally do not have anole experience so I do not know if mixing them is recommended. Perhaps someone else can comment on that portion.
thanks for your help! we've decided to get one more house gecko, then see about building the tank up a bit more...more plants, maybe a waterfall...stuff like that! we did notice that the brown anole is a male and the gecko is a male. so far, so good...that's part of the reason why we're going to get another gecko...a female...then build the tank up. we want to be sure they can co-exsist in enough space. ann