Hello! I need help on deciding on a good reptile breed for a pet! I already have a Bearded Dragon which is healthy and happy! But i want one more lizard and i was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for what breeds to have. I would prefer a desert style lizard has this would mean i would save on substrate instead of buying 2 different types. I know alot of lizards do but just want to say it would be best if they eat crickets just because my dragon does(buy in bulk!) Also they would need to be smaller than a dragon. I like animals that look very pretty or bright in colour, not a big point just would be nice! Lastly i don't know alot on how to care for different breeds so maybe something that is quite easy! Would be willing to research in to them! Thanks for you time JERICHO & Savannah
Does it matter how big it gets? If not then maybe a Desert Iguana. Over than that can't think of anything interesting
I haven heard of one of those before they sound different! I will look in to it thanks! Anymore i deas from others would be thankful!
Collared lizards can be very colorful. http://www.suncharmers.com/ (please note I do not have experience with this breeder, however, she has a beautiful selection and I suggest you do some heavy research on breeders of Collareds before purchasing. I am simply linking this because you can see their colors the best here.) They require about the same care as a bearded dragon, with eating regulations, but do not eat greens like beardies. They are mostly insectivores. My lil gal is about 9" long, which is small for a collared, they usually reach 12" (mostly tail, their tails are very long). They are tame if you get them captive bred, you must be very selective when purchasing as they are tempermental and will bite (even though the bite doesn't hurt).