Hi everyone I'm not getting any lizards soon because I've read up on general care and it seems like I should have a bigger income before I set up. I'm going to college in about a year anyway, so I gotta plan ahead. Anyways....EVENTUALLY I want to have a terrarium. I really want a lizard (or lizards) that are tame and can be handled frequently without stressing. Can you list some species? I've been researching but have a hard time finding info on temperment, and a lot of it is conflicting. When I was about 8, my parents bought my little sister and I a couple of bearded dragon babies. We had them for about 9 months and then gave them away. I think it was because my parents were tired of buying so many crickets and cleaning etc. I helped out too, but there is only so much a little kid can do. I really miss having them. They are so personable and I even potty trained mine so it would only go on a paper towel while she was out of the tank. What is the minimum tank size for one beardie? I've heard everything from 30-70 gallons, there's gotta be a more ideal size than a range that wide. When I get my lizard I will most likely be living in an apartment with my boyfriend, and I dont think he's going to want a gigantic tank hogging up living space, especially since I'll probably already have my aquariums too. I guess smaller is better, but I really want it to enjoy or at least tolerate handling after getting used to it. I do not want to feed fish or pinkies. So far for tame lizards I've found: bearded, water, and mountain horned dragons (probably too big of an enclosure) uromastyx (vegatarian or mostly veggie is definately a plus), but may be too big) iguana (way too big) lacerta (not much info at all) african fat tailed gecko (kinda cute but kinda ugly lol) long tailed lizard (controversial over tameness) Also, which breeds are more likely to be wild caught? I'd rather have a captive bred pet. Thanks
i know that most wd are captive bred. i think most of the bd's are too, but not sure. when a bd's gets full grown it needs about 90% veg. 10% bug's. here is some care sheets for bd's http://www.reptilerooms.com/Sections+index...es-secid-1.html
If you want a pet you can play with all the time... it's really not a lizard. Beardies need very large enclosures when they're grown (go check out the beardie section of this site - TONS of info). If you really want something you can handle, though, I'd get either a leopard gecko, fat-tail gecko or a beardie. I'd say about 75 gallons for an adult beardie. I'm sure the staff here will come around soon!
Sorry if I was unclear, I didn't mean I wanted to play with it all the time. I mean more like take him or her out once a day to maybe like 2 times a week without it stressing or trying to escape or run off. I don't know what's relative with herps.
It's good to think ahead! Beardies fit your description perfectly. I know I waited til i was out of the college dorms to get one, and my Feng just celebrated her first hatchday! She has a 90gal tank and my sheo has a 100gal. Bigger is better. 75 is really the smallest i would suggest [if the beardie ONLY gets 18", you may have to upgrade if it gets bigger] I have them out all the time to show them off, or they will sit in the sun outside with me [usually a leash on, or just on my shoulder] Also, beardeds have a smaller cousin called a lawson's dragon that can be kept in a 40 to 50gal tank as they only get 12". Very similiar in care and personality, thou they do vary btwn dragons. If you want an easier herp [and less expensive] a leopard or crested gecko would be the best bet. Handable, full of personality, etc. probably won't want to 'chill' as much with you thou.
Thanks for the ideas clarinet I've read up on crested geckos and I like them a lot. If I can't have a beardie, then I think a crested will be my second choice. I haven't heard of lawson's dragon though, I'll go google them.
i like my new mountain horned dragon it just sits there and will hang on you when held its perfect i think
My mountain horned dragon is the best to! its so calm it just chills I agree jami their perfect just kinda lazy!
Another good species to have is a Collared lizard. I just got one myself. From my research they are a bit aggressive, but they're small and don't bite too hard, but are pretty easily tameable. I find that my new collared will run from me until I get her in my hand, and then once she's in my hand she doesn't want to leave.
Okay I decided I will probably go with a couple crested geckos. I read pretty much every single caresheet on the net and I think that it is a good match. The hardest part is waiting though...Even if I stayed home for college I couldn't have them because my house gets too hot for them in the summer. I read prolonged temps above 80 coul be dangerous and my bedroom is about 85*F during the summer days. Yah, too hot for me too. I don't want to subject anyone else to that torture.
i think that littlehippygirl is right, crested geckos are great! they aren't TOO expensive as far as enclosures ect goes, they're great cute little guys and handleable too. thats just my suggestion.
I think green anoles are your best bet! They recognize you, theyre tame, and only 7$ *laugh*. I love those little guys.
I hear most anoles are wild caught and scared little things. Its my own opinion, but I don't think suppliers should catch wild animals from the habitat and readilly sell them to beginners. However, once I am more experienced, I think I'll try to find some captive bred green anoles and long tailed lizards for a nice planted terrarium.
I know I'm coming in on the end of this conversation... however, another lizard to consider is the blue-tongue skink. I also refuse to have a reptile that feed on rodents of any kind (I also am owned by rats), and I don't have that worry with the blue-tongue. He's really cool, loves to sit and watch tv with us and is about 18 inches full grown. Great info on BTS at bluetongueskinks.net
I think a Bearded Dragon is good Leopard geckos are very good but my Leo doesn't like being handled much. I think it was a troudled past she was 3 when we got her and its up hill since shes looking great now
Chinese water dragons are perfect, they like water so they can sit in the shower with you, they are beautiful creatures, and they don't get as big as iguanas do. Plus! They are very social.