Basically, their setup is pretty much the same as leopard geckos... They're from the same areas of the world (Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.)
so, nothin real fancy then.....I realize they're very tiny, I just hope they're 1/2 as handelable as leos are.
Here's a pic of our enclosure... I know it isn't much to look at, but we'll be changing them to a larger tank soon with more stuff to climb on and hide in. Just thought this might give you an idea how easy they are to look after though.
are you bowl feeding them? If so....what is it they're eating for you? Is that calcium or cuttle, and what's in the other bowl?
We are kepping calcium in with them, although I've never seen them do anything with it (besides run through it). The other bowl is baby mealies. We raise our own, so we just pull out tiny ones for them to munch on (same as we do for the leos). They get 1/4" crix every 2 or 3 days as well. You'd be surprised how well they took to the bowl of mealies. We also feed them silkworms. We buy 1000 eggs at a time and use the small ones for the vipers. When they get to big for them they get fed to the leos.
Kewl....did you say how old they were? here's my setup......he's 4 mos. old. how many crix do you think I should be feeding him?
All 4 of ours are between 9 and 10 months old now. They were in a 5G until they were about 6 months old. I usually toss in about 20 or so crix every 2 to 3 days. So far no issues with them surviving under the paper towel. I would suggest trying to feed yours away from the sand if you are still using pinheads... too easy for them to blend in with the sand and burrow. Just a thought. Again comes down to my aversion to sand of any kind. :wink: Enclosure looks great though. :lol: