With some pet stores carrying sickly, inbreed, and too young to survive baby dragons, it is better for you and them, if you purchase a dragon from a quality breeder. Breeders that are committed to keeping the genetics diverse, raising them in proper conditions and adapted to change to come to your home, to give the dragon and you the best start. This avoids a host of problems, vet bills and heartbreak later. There is a huge difference between a properly from the state raised baby and one that has not had the right temps, lights, substrate and diet they need for even a small period of time. The Bearded Dragon Breeders and Suppliers Network is commited giving you and the young dragons, the best possible start in life. It is a self governed group to assure that breeders maintain that standard and have good business practices. If they are unethical, selling too young or selling animals they know are ill, they are removed or not allowed to join this group. Please check out this link and the breeders listed there to assure you are getting a healthy dragons from a good breeder. http://www.bearded-dragon-network.com/
With that link no longer working I would like to open this thread to the community to chime in with your favorite breeder and why. I'd like to keep this as short and to the point as possible so if you would like to post about your dealings with a breeder please do so in one thread and refrain from posting multiple replies.
I haven't been on here in ages, just browsing today and saw this. I did notice that this is apparently a rather old thread, but I figure it can't hurt to share my good experience. Recently (mid July) purchased a beardie from Delta Dragonz in California. (http://www.deltadragonz.com/) Ryan and Liz (not entirely sure who I dealt with primarily) were very friendly, and wonderful about answering questions for me. I'm sure most reputable breeders would be willing to do this as well, but I was rather impressed by how accommodating they were in letting me pay a deposit to hold one in particular until I got things ready to go. Everything went smoothly from payment to receiving my new little buddy. At this point my little Astrid is 4-5 months old, and is a very healthy friendly girl (I think she's a girl, lol). Bottom line, it's easy to tell they're breeders for the love of dragons, not just in it to turn a profit, and even if I wanted to I couldn't think of a negative thing to say about them.
http://www.bloodbankdragons.com i have 2 from them love love love them they are great dragons good eaters and they do auctions on Facebook they have dunners leather back trans and beautiful colors