Ten Commandments for pets from the pets view

Discussion in 'General Discussion and Introductions' started by CheriS, Dec 16, 2002.

  1. Innocently_evil

    Innocently_evil New Member

    And those who understand the commandments truly understand animals. And for those who do understand, they might find those who "don't get it" to be mind boggling. How can you ignore the fact that your animal relies on you? How can you simply dismiss an animal on account of it being "just a pet". I, for one, get very frustrated with such people. I even had the unfortunate event of working for a vet that believed animals didn't feel pain and was a little careless and rough with them. I must say I didnt stay too long at that place, but that's not the point. The point is, too many people are clueless. That's why we're here, right? To re-educate people, to make them realise that animals do feel and deserve the best, not the cheapest stuff.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. General48

    General48 Member

    wow that is so very true and a good read for any pet owner

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. bratspets

    bratspets Member

    "Pen Commandments for Pets"... very good!

    Animal people get this...people that don't get it scare me when they get pets. We get pets because we enjoy them...how can one enjoy a sick, sad or lonely creature? They know our voices, our scent, our touch... and they can feel safe with us. When my critters are happy, I am happy.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. StockrA

    StockrA New Member

    nicely put, it's a shame that not all people feel the same way, i think to new law's should come into place, people have to do a college course if there thinking of having kid's and pet's

    JEFFREH Administrator

  9. Rukiya

    Rukiya Embryo

    Yep, I knew it!

    I knew I was in the right place. I am a new pet mommy but an old pet lover. Your animals are family. I think this should be handed out by all those who deal in the pet trade. I'm glad I found a place with like minded humans to learn from.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  11. pickle

    pickle New Member

    I have always wanted to set my geckos free so they could be happy, and that is a great list of commandements. this should be an official paper.
  12. danlbridgh20

    danlbridgh20 New Member

  13. retnuh2010

    retnuh2010 Member

    :cry: That was the best thing I every read. :cry:
  14. thepogona

    thepogona Member

    That was the most touching, heart-jerking set of commandments I've heard yet. I want to print millions of those and lay a huge stack of them in each pet store, along with breeders! Those were brilliant!
  15. BellaDe

    BellaDe New Member

    I was blessed a 5 years ago by my mom finally giving me the go ahead to get a pet snake. He led to 4 leopard geckos, 1 tokay gecko and another snake. Each animal having their own personalities, likes and dislikes. I love each and every one, and they are very spoiled. They are there at the end of a hard day to let me know that things are all right. Pets give a kind of love that is virtually unfindable in humans, but most often always found in animals. Unconditional Love
    Asmodayose, my first snake, knows when I am leaving, and doesn't like it. He does everything in his power to not make me leave. And when I am gone, he get upset. When I come back, he is there to greet me and welcome me home. :cry: It is wonderful to know that you are that important to someone.
    It is hard at times to explain the bond that one has with an animal. Even harder when the animal is a cold blooded one. :wink:
    This is one of the nicest things I have ever read.
    I just joined this site last night, and I can already tell, this place is a great place. :)
  16. Beardie_Harry01

    Beardie_Harry01 New Member

    Wow I dont know how late I am for this post because this is one my first posts need to come to terms with the forums. But the first post the commandments touched me and whoever wrote that deserves some kind of award it was truly touching. Hope you hear from them :)
  17. Cerus

    Cerus Well-Known Member

    It's a shame more people don't follow a code like that when it comes to their animals, just watch a couple episodes of Animal Cops and it's clear that so many people think of their pets as the lowest of life forms undeserving of the same love as us humans get. But in the end, its just a slap on the wrist and a tiny fine for some of the most horrible animal abuse cases. Every reptile I've ever kept has had their own unique personality. A Leo I had a few years ago that passed away, was probably the best little one I've ever had. After only a few times of feeding her with large yellow plastic tweezers, any time she would see them she'd race to the front of her cage ready for a meal. Reptiles might not be as cuddly as a dog or cat but they are just as intelligent and loving. It's amazing how just talking to my little guys like you would talk to a person calms them down so easily. I think anyone who DOESN'T talk to their reptiles is nuts. That's my 2 cents :D
  18. Gekka

    Gekka New Member

    I cried after I read this. :)

    It makes me happy to hear all my pets.. no, companions, talking through those 10 lines.
  19. Katt

    Katt Moderator

    wow that really makes you think
  20. RinkRat33

    RinkRat33 New Member

    It is still amazing to me how some people just don't get it. "oh it's just a pet", i hate that! It's not just a pet, it's my pet! I live in an apartment that's just me and "the kids" and it's great to come home to my old but awesome dog (who i respect more and more every day), and my 5 reptiles all greeting me (with the exception of the Uro, who only says hi on the weekends cause he's already asleep when i get home, haha). They all have names, they all teach me important things about life, and they all have personalities. I talk to them constantly and people don't understand why. But they know...and i know...and people who understand these commandments get it! (hang on, there's this watery stuff in my eyes....okay, better now...leaky) They also work great as a date tester, if you can't handle the kids, move on, not to mention they're pretty good character judges as well!! I love my kids!! Thanks for this post...i'm printing it off tomorrow for several people i know.
  21. beardiefreak

    beardiefreak Member

    when i adopt pets from the paws assosiation they give me one of this exact post
  22. PythonPreacher

    PythonPreacher New Member

    My wife says I talk to my pets more than her, lol. If I say something she will say, "Are you talking to me or Charcoal (Bearded Dragon)." I actually like thinking of my pets as my friends.
  23. Ash19

    Ash19 Well-Known Member

    A lot of my friends get offended when I pay more attention to my pets then them. Like everyone else, they say "They're just animals" but they mean so much more to me then that. They're apart of my family and I respect them more then quite a few ppl. They are just as deserving. A few years ago when I had to put my old cat down, I was soo upset and I was telling two of my school friends, and one of them replied "Why are you so upset? It's just a cat." That's not something any compassionate person would say to a grieving pet owner. That really made me mad. I've had that cat since I was 6yrs old.
  24. jayhay

    jayhay Well-Known Member

    yeah, I hate when ppl say "they are just pets". I had a friend tell me the other day that I am "going to get tired of them everntually" ....I was so angry, I replied "you don't get tired of those you love".
  25. greenanole5894

    greenanole5894 New Member

    I know my opinion may not matter, but that is one of the things every animal or being should be treated.

    Anyway, people say there just animals you don't need to help them (which happened when I found an injured bird. I helped one, called rangers, but the other scampered away.

    Many people dont respect these wonderful creatures like they should. They think they bit me, im letting him loose or, ill sell it back to the petstore (while most petsores keep horrible care of animals.) Oh well, At least my anole has a loving "parent" . :D hehe

    This unknow author could have made millions selling this to petsotores for logos and all that other stuff. (Of course to spend the money for his reptiles :-D!)

    It makes me realize why I joined a loving community of animal lovers (reptilerooms), 2 days ago.

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