Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on what this might mean? Thoth has started walking around with his belly raised up, and licking everything in his enclosure again (like when we first got him). This includes rocks, sand, etc. Nothing in the enclosure has changed in over a month. He also has the ends of the "beard" on the sides of his head turning green... the vet said this is a sign of stress (when we took him in just after we got him). Thought that since he is similar to a beardie, maybe someone here had seen similar behaviour in their lizard and could help shed some light. He's still eating okay, but a little less than he was (4 crix instead of 5 or 6), but he's awake a little longer now. He seems to spend a lot of time sleeping on his rock through the day, but when he's awake he is as active as ever.
I'm not sure, but if he's licking the sand, you might wanna think about taking him off it for a while til he gets over it. Can he see any other herps, bugs, or anything else that might look like a mate/food/potential threat to his territory? He may just be showing off
What would you suggest putting him on? Paper towel maybe? He seems a little more lethargic today and didn't want to eat at all. Pulled the crix out and found a few more, so he hasn't been eating as much as we thought. Keeping a close eye on him and will be taking him to the vet on Friday if there is no improvement... especially if he doesn't start eating soon. That has me more worried than anything. When I pick him up he just closes his eyes right away, not like before... he would look around or at least keep his eyes open so he could see me.
:`((( Is it too warm or too cold for him? I'm not sure what the temps are, but has anything changed in his tank in the last coupla weeks? Paper towels or reptile carpet would be a good non-particulate substrate. We use the carpet with all our dragons unless they're on meds for some reason, then they go on paper towels (easier to clean & replace).
No change in the tank at all. Temps were checked with the digital thermometer again yesterday... 105.4 in basking area and 82 at cool end. His rock tower is around 95 at the top where he sometimes sits. He ate three crix after I posted last and was really active again for about an hour. Looks about ready to doze off again though. What about hibernation? Just thinking it's the right time of year. He doesn't seem to be licking as much today and is walking more normal (closer to the ground). Also, the green doesn't seem to be present as much today. Still trying to climb the walls though!!!