My son has 2 Bahama Anoles. Only had 3, one just died and we do not know why. Her head had turned white like she was going to shead and a couple of days later she died. We cleaned the cage real good, but I am afraid the others are going to get sick. Does anyone have any idea what could of happend? We are still learning all the time about the lizards. And have really enjoyed them but do not want to loose another.
Could you give us a description of the enclosure? There can be many explanations for "her" death. Can you go to the anole forum?
The enclosure- is a 10 gallon tank. Tree bark lined, with a little moss, a climing branch with vine covering part so they can have a hinding place, a shallow water bowl, lamp. I think this is what you were asking.
There are a number of things wrong with the enclosure. Read this topic. It will give you a brief description of the proper enclosure for green anoles/brown anoles.
First thing, three anoles would need a MUCH bigger tank than a 10 gallon. 10 gallon is actually the minimum recommended for each anole. You'll also want more coverage, and a change of substrate. Either organic soils or coco fiber. They also need UVB lighting. What are you feeding? What are your temperatures? What is your humidity? Pictures may also help. Luke
Like 00luke00 said, pictures would really help us "modify" anything that is wrong. Also, if you are able to get pictures, could you get a few pics of the base of each anoles' tail. This will help to determine the sex of your anoles.