I am so upset. My son has a mountain horned dragon, which is really mine because I take care of it and I love that lizard..He (or she?) is so sweet! Anyway, it was shedding on one of it's legs and one of my son's not so bright friends came into his room and got Spike out of his cage and took the skin that was shedding off of his leg. :cry: Ever since then, it's been about a week I think, that leg has been a whitish, grayish color..It looks like he's going to shed but I KNOW that kid must've taken the skin off too early. :evil: So, what do I need to do? I am so worried about my baby..Will he heal himself or what? Can someone please tell me? Thanks..
I don't think there is anything you can do, other than teling the child never to do that again. Just keep an eye on it. Sorry I can be of more help.
Thanks for your response..That child is not even allowed in the house anymore, at least until I get done being upset about this..Spike's leg is looking a little better I think..
Thanks, I was reading somewhere on these boards about putting neosporin on a wound..Is that something that might help? I do believe his leg is looking better though. It's starting to get to be more of a regular color..