Well - there is the fairly epic Tinley Park NARBC in Tinley Park, Illinois (Chicago-ish) going on this weekend. It's one of the best shows in the country, comes around once a year. There is actually a show that comes around once in a while in St. Louis, here is the site... there may be one on Oct 23rd? http://www.saurian.net/Reptile-Show.html The "Reptiles" magazine posts show dates in a section toward the back of the magazine. Here are some great Beardie Breeders = ) http://dachiu.com/ http://bloodbankdragons.com/ http://rainbowbeardeddragons.com/ Just to get you started lol...
Oh yes, there is an expo on the 23rd and i will no doubt be there. I'm all ready super excited for it! I've never been to an expo before. I'm also going to check into the sites and see what they have. You can't have too many options ; )
Lol, you live really near me. =D I'm in St. Charles. Lots of stuff/reptile shows on here: http://www.gigsalad.com/Variety/Reptile-Show/MO/St Louis Saurian Enterprise Inc. is holding a reptile expo in St. Louis Sunday, October 23. I'd go, but I have church on Sunday. If you don't feel like you'll be ready by then, there'll be another one Sunday, January 8 next year. :3 Location:
Hehehehe, I'm excited to have another beardie fanatic among us...and trust me, you will be a fanatic before you know it. =D And as for them being a personable lizard, that is a huge understatement. They are each so unique and have their own little personalities...they're tons of fun and are great for just hanging out with on a regular basis. Mine is actually sitting on my lap as I type this. I sit out on the deck with him in the summer, and he will ride on my shoulder when I go for walks. (He even has a leash so he doesn't get lost.) And they're great for snuggling when you're reading a book or watching TV. :3
Yes!! another person hypnotized by the awesome personality of the bearded dragons! I hope you find a the right beardie for you! oohh! and make sure you post pics when you get it! Cammy, that is such a cute picture! I love it when they snuggle up with you, and you've just inspired me to go get Rex to snuggle with !
if you keep posting such cute pics like that i may have to break down and get a beardy. i almost forgot just HOW dog-like they are. and now i hate the fact that ive got a spot in my house that would be perfect for a 75gal lol
If I wasn't wanting one before, I'm definitely wanting one now thanks to those adorable pics = D!! It's exactly the kind of people friendly I was looking for, even more so since I didn't realize how personal these creatures were. If I don't have to work I'm going to go to the one on the 23rd, if not the one in Jan. I'd like to see a variety of them and not just the ones they have at the pet stores. This will give me time to get my enclosure and everything set up and ready to go to put the little critter into. And I will DEF post pics when the time arrives!
D: do you guys know how mad yet at the same time happy hubby will be if i get another lizard? great, now ill have to save up money for a tank and start going to reptile shows again. and i thought i could go the rest of my life without ever having to deal with uv lights again
lol! others usualy resist untill you finaly find the right little guy! as soon as it crawls up onto their shoulder or falls asleep in their arms, they are hooked for good!
Pffffft, you were wrong from the get-go on that one! You're a reptile owner, we can't ever say no forever! Lol
i hoped i could. ive made a point to only keep nocturnal species so i would never have to deal with all that lighting crap again, darn you guys lol @ dogking thats how i got my dog lol
@Shanna66 Yeah, I'm in the tank saving process right now. I have a 10 gal, but I don't really want to use it even if I do get a baby. I'm not sure how big tanks have to be in comparison to the really little guys. Does anyone know where I could find a decent sized tank that wouldn't kill my bank account in the process, or are they just that expensive?
craiglist.com Is where I get all my tanks. Garage sales are great places too. I got my 20gL free. 65g is the minimum size for a full-grown beardie. A 20gL can make babies feel more secure, and help them adjust more quickly. It's usually cheaper to purchase a larger aquarium and then section off a portion of it. c:
I'll have to check out craigslist, I completely spaced and forgot about that place. Shame on me lol Also I was wondering if beardi's had to be in a glass tank? I found some nice cages with a metal frame but the rest of it was all a mesh screen that went over and secured in place. Would a beardi destroy that?
Yeah, probably. XD They like to lean against the sides of the tank while they sleep. I don't actually have any hands-on experience with bearded dragons though. Hopefully someone who does *cough*Cammy*cough* can throw in their two-cents. I'm actually just studying up for one of my own.
I'm in study mode also, I don't want to go into this without any sort of knowledge and risk the health of my lizard. I want to take good care of him/her and make sure they are around for a long time. I have no doubt I'll be using this site frequently. Heck, I don't even have one yet and I'm on here all the time reading up lol
XD, I know what you mean. Why not read the bearded dragon care-sheet on this site? :3 http://www.reptilerooms.com/index.php?categoryid=17