How many lizards are u planning on eeping in there? If its just one it will do fine but you migth want to upgrade if you plan on getting more. I ahve 5 geckos all 2gether in a 50 gallon tank. 3 leopards a dine gecko and a golden gecko. We got it as soon as we decided that two geckos wasnt enough. Just a thought
I'm glad you pointed him out, I didn't see him the last time I looked. Such a teeny little guy! Do you have to heat it? Will that melt the plastic? It looks like it would really hold humidity well. -Cristine
If you notice on the cage lid there is a screened hole cut out. I use a 15 watt night bulb and keeps the temp at night at about 80-82 f. During the day when we all leave for work the ac is turned up to 80 f. So heating is never a problem. As far as humidity it will hold 80-90% from 2 mistings a day, one in the morning before I leave for work and one when I get home from work. At night it dries up properly to about 60-70% for the humidity cycle that tree snakes require. Personally I swear by tupperware for humidity loving reptiles.
You know, the more I look at this picture, the more I see! I'm just going to shut up now. Take care, -Cristine