I had been searching everywhere for a nice backround for my beardies. I found some great ones in some catalogues with beautiful scenery. But the cheapist one I could find was $500! I'm willing to spend that on a vet bill, or something like that, but a poster? So I kind of stole some ideas from there posters, and got a huge peice of butcher paper, and spent the last few monthes trying to re-created the landscape with oil pastels and paint. I'm finally done, and the clear acrilic protective coat is dry. I just put it up, and it looks pretty cool taped to the back of my tank! It didn't cost me anything, and its something I can be proud of. I'm so happy it turned out well, and I just got the best critique I've ever got on one of my drawings. My boy Fergus just tried for five minutes to eat one of the plants in the drawing, so I guess I did a pretty good job with the detail if I fooled him! I better go feed him now, to reward him for that little self esteem booster.
Are you just teasing us.... describing that to us and then not posting a picture! I couldn't find one that I liked for my Amazon Tree Boa cage when I was setting it up so I found some pictures online of the rainforest and pulled them into Photoshop. In PS I stitched them all together so they were the right size to fit the cage. Printed them out and them taped them up. It came out looking pretty good.
That's the same thing I do stormy! I take a pic, cut it into four pieces in photo editor, enlarge it in the printing options, then tape it together. As long as the pic is high res and you know how many pieces of paper you need to cover the side of the cage, it works great. I've done it several times. It's cheap, you choose what you want, and you can change it more often. And yes, I agree, we definitely want to see pics of your background cd!
I finally got a picture of it. It is an incredibly bad picture, and it makes the backround look a little lame, especially on the left side. But it sort of gives you the idea of what it looks like. (By the way, the picture also makes my enclosure look very small. But I assure you, they have much more space then the picture leads on.) I hope you like it, -cd http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/index.pl?photo=138664
thats an awesome background. do you have a divider in that cage or somthing. i think those beardies will like eat.
Thanks. Yes, its partitionioned in the middle with a board. I didn't understand the last thing you said. If you meant they like to eat, then yes, they are both the biggest pigs I have ever had in all of my years of having animals. And if you meant they would like to eat eachother, then its probably still a yes. Ok, he probably wouldn't 'eat' her, but he would definately kill her, or maime her. My male, the larger one is extremely aggressive and hormonal towards any other bearded dragons. Thanks for the reply! -Cristine
Oh, ok. Sorry for the huge explination then They seem to like it. I have to cover up the part where I had drawn on plants though, because they wanted to eat them. So I guess the eat thing kind of did fit! -CD
Lol the explanation was great cd...just like the cool desert poster in you have!really nice i could use one of em
Cristine- that is beautiful! You could seriously make a few dollars doing that and selling it to herpers I bet if you wanted! You have an artistic flair! Looks wonderful!
Thankyou so much! Ya, I have a couple of hams. Thats a good thing though, since I'm kind of a picture fiend. Thanks again! -Cristine