<posted this in General Chat too, hope ya don't mind> Today, sometime this afternoon, my lacerta agillis (?) got loose. I have no idea where he is. Anyone have any good ideas on hiding spots? Or, know how I can trap him? My only idea thus far is to leave mealworms (canned - he loves them) on a plate and hope he comes to eat it. Then, at least I'll know the room he is in. Thanks, Jasmine
sounds like there isn't much else to try, keep looking & good luck i am not familiar with this lacerta's, what are they like? you know that is the one downside to reptiles, not comming when called LOL!
Lacerta agilis Hi slimmy, Lacerta's are pretty nice little lizards. We've only had ours about 2 weeks but they already feed out of our hand. The female also seems to come when called, but then again, maybe she just likes it when we open the flip-top of the aquarium. Anyhow...here's a link to some pics. http://www.herp.it/indexjs.htm?SpeciesPages/LacerAgili.htm More info.... http://www.reptilia.dk/Krybdyr%20vi%20hold...certaagilis.htm They don't seem to have the ability to climb walls or glass. But, they have really long "fingers" to grab onto things. They're the kind that run right up your clothes to your shoulder in no time at all. They also can hang on cords. Anyhow, I hope I find him soon. I have 2 boys that deeply miss him.
they're pretty & sound nice. thanks for the info i may have to add them to the now long list of lizards i'd like to keep someday (when money & space permits lol) and i do really hope for all's sake you find him! i know you must be pretty worried