i have an big reptile living under my porch it looks like one of those komodo dragons but a little smaller. My friend lost his cat a few days ago so i think that this lizard thing ate it. i live by a river/stream so i think thats where it came from the lizard has the biggest claws too. :shock: :shock:
Sounds cool...can you get a picture safely? I did not mean to say that the possibility of it eating the cat was cool just thought I'd clarify that little bit.
i dont know the thing only comes out at night time... it stays in there almost all day scared Sh*tless of it dont want to get eaten any ways i dun have a scanner
ohh come on be a man pull on ur headlamp grab a kitchen knife and crwal under that porch. don't wuus out. heck if it were me and i had a lizrd under my porch well it wouldn't be under the porch no mmore he's be in my herp collection or he'd be somewhere else. suyck it upo and cathc that herp. juist consider it like extreme herping.
If it were me I would buy a huge fishing net or a dog catcher rope thing. Get a big light and do my best to catch it. And keep it as a pet or bring it to a nice place like a zoo. Maybe its a iguana. Because komodo dragons Only live in about two places in the world. It may be a water dragon, or iguana They have huge claws when grown up. If its a komodo anyways just don't let it slobber on you or bite you. It is fatal and theres no cure except to sit and die. Or hope your system is strong enough to get through the painful TORTURE! By the way only 3 people in the world have survived bites from them. Anyways Hope I didn't scare you. Have fun!
this site may help, although I wouldn't know where to start looking......lots of lizzards listed and it includes pics. http://www.californiaherps.com/lizards/lizards.html
it sounds like it could be some type of moniter. they aren't poisoness or anythin. but they do have long claws and they get really big.
im with freespirit it sounds like a monitor. dont put your head under and look they bite hard and aggressive. i would go to home depot and buy the thickest leather gloves they have and reach under with a chicken breast or a rat and try to lure it out.
Savvanah monitor. You can probably lure it out with some chicken breasts and then net it. Wear gloves or you will get clawed to death.