but not at the same time. I am setting up a tank for a leopard gecko and I have two questions: 1) Is there a difference between a heat lamp sold at the pet stores and a clamp lamp sold at a hardware store? Can the latter take the heat required (without melting my screen top or setting anything on fire lol)? 2) For moss inside my hide box...will preserved sheet moss be alright (lightly misted to add moisture, of course)? It is the moss that typically grows around trees. Thanks! -Zar
NOPE. I even spray painted one black w/appliance paint or was it grill paint? Anyway, they aren't one bit different, buy the less expensive clamp lamp! You mean the gray stringy stuff? Or the fuzzy looking greenish/yellow stuff? I know I've heard of sheet moss but I really can't recall what it is exactly. The gray stuff I'm talking abou is spanish moss, the greenish/yellow is sphagnum moss. I've used sphagnum moss in frog tanks, and I've used both mosses for plants to hold moisture in their pots. I thought someone said that the hide boxes should have vermiculite? Or was it perlite? Geeze, I'm getting old. Sharon
Well, I think as long as the package says it was meant for lizards/reptiles and is sterile, then its fine. Its not as if your gecko were a vegetarian who might eat it and get an impaction. sharon