I vow to never handle my Anoles again! Tonight I wanted to bring out Zabuza(My big, but friendly male) to show to company. I went to grab him, and the poor thing jumped on the floor and went scurrying off. I almost lost my Anole... And the look in his eyes... it made me feel soo guilty. I vow to never hold my Anole again!!! Unless i need to transport him to or from a cage.
Well done for making this vow. I actually made a sticky a few months back about why it is not a good idea to handle anoles: http://www.reptilerooms.com/forumtopic-46986.html I, personally NEVER handle my anole, and i do not intend to. The only time i remotely handle my anole, is when i'm transporting him into his temporary enclosure while i'm cleaning his permanent one out. Even then, i don't pick him up, it's more of an "edge him into the temp enclosure" kinda thing. This is easy for me though, as my enclosure is pretter big, so the temp one will fit into it The bottom line really, is that handling these little guys stresses them out, full stop. I'm glad you have decided not to do this again!