How To Tame?

Discussion in 'Iguanas' started by KLiK, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. KLiK

    KLiK Well-Known Member

    i have had my new iguana for only 6 days so far but it is highly aggressive. it is about 2ft long and eats and drinks fine as well as poops regular, but he just doesn't like people at all. my other iguana was nothing like that at all.
    How would be the best way to get him tame? i go to put my hand in the tank and he comes to bite and whip me. his tank is right next to my leopard geckos and whenever i go to feed my leos he watches me all puffed up and ready to attack. i have read on another site as a way to get snakes used to you to put a shirt or some clothing with your scent on it into the tank and leave it in there for a while. would that work with an iguana as well?

    Thanks in advance

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. CheriS

    CheriS Is well known here

    You could try it. Males tend to be more aggressive than females and they do tame down with age, just have to work slowly on getting his trust.

    We have a female that is a big 5 foot softy and a 4 foot male that is the DEVIL! HE has the nastiest tail whip I have ever seen...... we have tried everything to tame him and he will at times let us pet him, but we never know when they tail is gonna whip around!! He's a stinker!

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. KLiK

    KLiK Well-Known Member

    i gave him a bath today and when i put him in the tub he was trying frantically to get out but once i started to brush him with the soap he just relaxed and closed his eyes and i thought we was getting calm and when i was done i picked him up and i started to walk around my house and he was fine for around 10 minutes then he started clawing me so i put him back in his tank

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. KLiK

    KLiK Well-Known Member

    here is the tough guy that i am taming you can see 1 of the cuts i have from him on my forearm

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