I'm picking up some crickets on may way to work, but I'll have to leave them in the bag until I get home, about 5.5 hours? Will they last that long? Preciate it.
I forgot a bag of crickets in my car (during the summer....so crazy high temperatures) for a day and a half...closer to 2 days, and not a single dead cricket. I think I had bought 30 or 50....and they were in a medium sized bag with some egg carton. Five and a hlaf hours should be just fine, but then again, if your pet store has poor quality crickets in, then maybe not.
Put them in the trunk at least. It will be cooler in there since the sun doesn't shine on it and you won't have any cooked crickets, but maybe some asphixiated ones.
They should be ok for 5 1/2 hours but if you can slip a piece of carrot or potatoe in there they would be able to get something to drink. I most definetly would get them into something asap when you get home their going to be thirsty.
They do last around 2 days, (IF) you keep changing the air out every couple hours, also i got a cricket keeper and i put some egg carton and some gutload, and they last so far 4 weeks with only around 4-5 dead out of 4 dozen
i've had bags of crickets where all the crickets died within like five minutes, or at least before i could make it home from the pet store..but i think it's from the heat.