
Discussion in 'Iguanas' started by Sobek, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. Sobek

    Sobek New Member

    I have a cousing who has 2 iggs, i think one of them is a female, and I want to give him all the details so that he can help his iggs if there is a problem. Also i was thinking of having a ig myself, but Im cheking all the goods and bads about iggs.

    I think that they get eggbound when the dont get enough calcium.
    I really want to know if Is it easy for an igg to get eggbound?
    And what are the cares when an igg is in her breading season?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Survivor_Steph

    Survivor_Steph Embryo

    I have a male ig, so I'm not totally familiar with the needs of females. I know that they need to be VERY hydrated and have calcium supplements during season. I think x-rays are needed to tell if a female is egg-bound, and care needs to be given when handling her as eggs can break inside causing serious problems. Sometimes egg binding requires surgery... spaying. A good, no GREAT, herp vet is an absolute MUST for an owner of a female ig.

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