I have been getting Budo's crix at PetCo ($$$$$) for the past week while I try to find the cheapest cricket farm online. Below are my results for 1,000 adult/6wk/1" crickets on various websites, listed in order from cheapest to most expensive. Of course these prices are not including shipping, heating (in cold places), or anything like that, which may change your opinion. reptilefood.com - $11 flukerfarms.com - $14 ghann.com - $15 bcrcricket.com - $17 armstrongcrickets.com - $20 tophatcrickets.com - $24 carolinapetsupply.com - $36 (<---includes winter express shipping) Please add other sites I missed. Hope this all benefits you. Again, choosing the cheapest crickets is not always the best option, as they may be unhealthy, unsupplemented, not in your area, etc.
One thing you can't factor into pricing is customer service. Unless something REALLY odd happens, I will only do business with Armstrong Crickets! If you can have your "bugs" shipped to you at work, the shipping price goes down...used to be free. If there is a problem with your order, it's taken care of with a single phone call...and they are nice on the rare occasion you do have to talk to them.
Absolutely. Budo's my first, so I'm going to try out a few different companies and see how many of the crix come dead, how on-time the shipping is, etc. First of all, so you all know, I was going to try out reptilefood.com, but they don't take paypal, which instantly made me suspicious. So I ended up buying 500 crix and 1000 mealies from flukerfarms, which I have heard good things about. We'll see.