Choosing the Best turtle Filter: 10 Vital Points

Discussion in 'Turtles' started by herpetologist frank, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. herpetologist frank

    herpetologist frank New Member

    Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquariums, and museums, including over 20
    Red Eared Sliders and other semi-aquatic and aquatic turtles have just about everything one could ask for in a reptile pet – fascinating behaviors, responsiveness, breeding potential, beautiful coloration and shell patterns and with proper care, the ability to outlive scores of dogs and other “lesser beasts”. But however how much we may enjoy them (and I know folks with collections numbering 100 to 2,000+!), keeping their water clean, both for clarity and health reasons, can be a frustrating and time consuming task. Today I’ll review some useful points to consider when deciding upon a filter. Please post your own experiences, thoughts, and questions below. Read the rest of this article here
    Please also check out my posts on Twitter and Facebook

    My Bio, with photos of animals I’ve been lucky enough to work with:

    Best Regards, Frank

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