Here is something for anyone who is a cheapskate, penny-pincher, or is just broke. :-p For a while, I wanted to get a Big Dripper thingy, which drips water at a constant, steady rate. Well, I have a device that does the same thing and doesn't cost $9. Here's what you do: 1. Take a Ziploc bag 2. Take a sewing needle of some sort *I used a cross-stitch needle, since it's bigger than normal sewing needles* 3. Poke 1-3 holes near the bottom of the bag and close to one corner 4. Fill it with water 5. Place the bag on top of the cage, above a leaf so the lizard, snake, tuatara, etc. can drink from it. [Edited on 5/6/2002 by Camillo]
Cool! Here is another way. 1.Take a plastic cup. 2.Poke a very small hole with a push pin. The hole should not be bigger then a centimeter. Olny push the tip in to the cup or else the water will come out to fast. If you guys think this is hard then use Camillios idea. UltAnoleMan