ball pythons sicknesses

Discussion in 'Ball Pythons' started by lil_shy_aries, Jul 16, 2009.

  1. lil_shy_aries

    lil_shy_aries New Member

    CrazyFor herps
    thank you on the complement, but you got me floored.
    I read and study on anything I can find to give me knowledge. MY goal in life was to be a zooalagist. grades and monies where not there.but doesnt kill my passion of animals.
    But back to what I said, you floored me . what is ldvb , I dont know what this is or dont know it by this name would you give me more info? Thank you, and thank you for the two sites. after I write this im gonna go searching. May I ask how long have you been into herps/snakes.
    thank you shy

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. bruno

    bruno Moderator

    I think you are refering to IBD virus, (Inclusion Body Disease)
    A good article about it can be found on Melissa Kaplins site HERE
    It affects Boas and Pythons, usually the large breeds, although it can affect Balls.
    Hope this helps

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. lil_shy_aries

    lil_shy_aries New Member

    hello Bruno,thank you so much for the site, and your reply. just for a few people that do come out of there shells. might want to rename the site for turtles. lol. j/k...
    well as any good momma would do I ran to this site and read up on everything that it said. and then I craved more.but you didnt give me the whole site's name. to where i can find more info. feel like johnny 5 need more impute, need more input was his only disire. so if you know the full site there I would be greatful.
    but Ill admit that article I read knocked me on my ass. (hope I can say that. if not ooopssss)
    I had not heard of it, and was quite shocked, that a virus can reck havoc on a reptiles like that. it really gaped my jaw lead me to want to ask a few more questions.
    1. as I understand that b/p dont need vaccines or any shots to keep them I wondered if this was true? exotic birds need them and benifit from them is there shots or susch needing of b/p.
    2. is there any other suprises are out there that i need to know about?. I have spooks in a 55 gal. and I play hell keeping him warm. what to keep him warm when the harsh winters hit. i'm in michigan.we get cold, coldest, and warm. for maybe75 days. they say 99 days , I think its just them being use to it. lol.
    3. I saw a message, I guess he is a hurbitolagist. he put some awsome pics up of rats in the stomach, he said he normally stays quiet. but I would like to meet him. I was in the medical field and that kinda stuff learning the inners and outers. sicknesses to improving the lives of animals is my quest in life.
    thank you so much BRuno have a great day by ya'll.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. bruno

    bruno Moderator

    Hi lil_shy,
    Here is the full site url
    There are over 1000 articles on this site.
    Please bear in mind this site is now 17 years old. Techniques and husbandry have changed dramatically since then, although it is updated regular, some things are now out of date thinking wise.
    Use it as a starting point for any research you wish to do and dont take everything as "gospel".
    Happy reading.

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