I'm sure this question has been asked before...but here goes. I have an extra 55 gallon aquarium laying around. It has a crack in the bottom so cannot hold water. What are good reptiles to have to put in it? I am not really interested in leo's, but I am interested in lizards that are good to handle and can come out with me (social and tame). I have a bearded dragon but do not have any experience with other reptiles at all, so any input would be appreciated. I should add that I can easily put a divider in the tank if necessary.
well, i went from geckos, to a beardie, to lots of beardies, to savanna monitors, to velvet geckos and i would suggest any of them! For a 55gal you could get a trio of Aus. Velvet geckos [very cute] or cresteds. What about a small kind of skink?
Cool thanks for the suggestions. Which of all those are very friendly and easily handleable? I will of course do my research, I'd never dream of getting a reptile without knowing as much as I can about it first!
i don't find geckos partically 'friendly' but cresteds and velvets are easily handable. and fasinating to watch!
i pretty much have the same situation. i have an extra 55. i have put up several threads and most people told me to go with a couple crestd geckos.